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Facebook Exec Wants Less Privacy Online

Facebook Exec Wants Less Privacy Online

“I think anonymity on the Internet has to go away.” While many people may share that sentiment, it is different coming from Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook’s marketing director.

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16-Year-Old Testifies in Cole Case

16-Year-Old Testifies in Cole Case

Sara Cole, 48, was confronted in court by the seventeen-year-old boy with whom, police believe, she had sexual relations.  She had previously denied having sex with the boy, who is best friends with one of her sons, and insisted that they had “intimate relations” only.

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Food & Wine Events: July 27-August 3

Food & Wine Events: July 27-August 3

We are lucky to live in such a bountiful state. Where else can you choose between multiple wine maker dinners, enjoy a food and wine festival and learn how to cook with tomatoes at all in one week? Some might say we’re spoiled, but for us it’s just another South Bay week July 27-August 3.

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Life Goes on in San Jose

Life Goes on in San Jose

San Jose tops the list for America’s longest life spans. The question is: why? What makes people live longer here than any other place in the country?

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Aida at Montgomery Theatre

Aida at Montgomery Theatre

CMT’s production of ‘Aida’ features a pageant of colorful costumes.

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Cisco Takes Another Step to Save Money

Cisco Takes Another Step to Save Money

Last week Cisco announced that it was laying off 6,500 employees. Now the company is asking San Jose to release it from its commitment to develop 1 million square feet in Alviso by 2012.

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Town Council Says No to Dispensaries

Town Council Says No to Dispensaries

There will be no medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Gatos. The decision was made at a public meeting Monday night. Though these meetings in other cities have gotten heated, the Los Gatos version was serene, since no one actually spoke, either for or against the dispensaries.

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Review: Dio Deka

Review: Dio Deka

When it opened four years ago Dio Deka represented a new breed of Greek restaurant: modern, upscale and sexy. The Los Gatos place became an instant hit where the previous Italian restaurant in the Hotel Los Gatos failed to generate any sparks. Today Dio Deka is part of a new resurgence of high-end Greek restaurants in Silicon Valley.

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Livefeed: Meat and Cigs

Livefeed: Meat and Cigs

I knew that industrial meat production in America was a disaster—a disaster for the environment, for the people who work in the feedlots and chicken warehouses and for the animals unlucky enough to live their short, miserable lives in cruel confinement. But it takes actually seeing how the vast majority of livestock are raised to really turn my stomach and my conscience.

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Netflix Faces New Challenge from … Wal-Mart?

Netflix Faces New Challenge from … Wal-Mart?

It seems that everyone is taking advantage of the Netflix price hike to grab a piece of the pie. Blockbusters is offering new deals for new users, and the Huffington Post recently published articles on regular and offbeat alternatives to Netflix.

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