Search results for - page 197

Nancy Pyle

Nancy Pyle

A teacher for 25 years and a former community college board trustee, Nancy Pyle is a San Jose City Councilmember for District 10. She was elected to the council in January 2005. Before joining the council, Pyle was also a community relations manager and legislative analyst for San Jose Unified School District.

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Rose Herrera

Rose Herrera

A U.S. Air Force veteran, Rose Herrera is a San Jose City Councilmember for District 8. She was elected to the council in November 2008. Before joining the council, Herrera founded the Norwood Creek Elementary School PTA and was involved in The Delinquency Prevention Commission and The California Association of Human Rights Organizations. She also worked to prevent gang violence with the County Human Relations Commission.

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Xavier Campos

Xavier Campos

After spending 20 years with the Mexican-American Community Services Agency (MACSA), Xavier Campos is a San Jose City Councilmember for District 5. He was elected to the council in November 2010. Before joining the council, Campos designed and operated MACSA programs targeting East San Jose neighborhoods. He also served on the San Jose Planning Commission for eight years.

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Sam Liccardo

Sam Liccardo

With roots in San Jose that go back generations, Sam Liccardo is a City Councilmember for San Jose’s downtown core, District 3. He was elected to the council in November 2006. Before joining the council, Liccardo worked as a prosecutor in the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office.

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Donald Rocha

Donald Rocha

A former San Jose Redevelopment Agency business officer and chief of staff for a number of elected officials, Donald Rocha is a San Jose City Councilmember for District 9. He was elected to the council in November 2010. Before joining the council, Rocha served as a School Board Member in the Cambrian School District in addition to working at the state and city levels of government.

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Ash Kalra

Ash Kalra

Ash Kalra is a San Jose City Councilmember for District 2. He was elected to the council in November 2008. Before joining the council, Kalra worked as an attorney for the Santa Clara County Public Defender’s Office representing indigent clients in Drug Court.

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Madison Nguyen

Madison Nguyen

Born in Vietnam, Madison Nguyen came to the US in the early 1980s and is a San Jose City Councilmember for District 7. She was elected to the council in September 2005. Before joining the council, Nguyen was elected to the Franklin-McKinley Board of Education in 2002, becoming the first Vietnamese-American woman elected to that public office in California.

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Pierluigi Oliverio

Pierluigi Oliverio

Pierluigi Oliverio writes a weekly column for San Jose Inside and is a city councilmember for San Jose’s District 6. He was elected to the council in June 2007. Before joining the council, Oliverio worked in the semiconductor and software industry for 15 years.

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Kansen Chu

Kansen Chu

Born in Taiwan, Kansen Chu came to the US in 1976 and is a city councilmember for San Jose’s District 4. He was elected to the council in June 2007 and re-elected without opposition in 2008. Before joining the council, Chu was a member of the Berryessa Union School Board for five years.

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Pete Constant

Pete Constant

The lone San Jose councilmember who identifies himself as a Republican, Pete Constant represents District 1. He was first elected in 2006 and re-elected in 2010. Before joining the council, Constant worked as a police officer for 14 years and ran his a photography studio.

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