Search results for - page 185

Best Bites: San Jose’s Santa Clara Street

Best Bites: San Jose’s Santa Clara Street

The diversity of restaurants along downtown San Jose’s Santa Clara Street are a microcosm of the city at large. Vietnamese, Mexican and straight-up American, there is something for everyone. Here are five restaurants worth checking out.

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South First Fridays Art Walk

South First Fridays Art Walk

On Friday, October 7, venues and galleries in the SoFA district open their doors for free admission to art exhibits, live music and performances.

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Yahoo, ABC News Announce ‘Game-changer’ Partnership

Yahoo, ABC News Announce ‘Game-changer’ Partnership

This morning ABC News announced that it was forming a partnership with Yahoo to become the site’s “top digital news source.” The announcement was made on Good Morning America, and described as matching “the number one news site on the web with the country’s premiere news brand.”

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San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon 2011 Recap

San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon 2011 Recap

Olympians Meb Keflezighi and Deena Kastor won in their divisions at the San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon on Sunday morning.

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Cul-de-sac Homes in San Jose

Cul-de-sac Homes in San Jose

Quiet streets without too much traffic are perfect for families who want their children to get to know about playing outdoors.

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Classical Guitarist Edel Munoz

Classical Guitarist Edel Munoz

Munoz first picked up a guitar at the age of 7. He performs October 15th at Le Petit Trianon Theatre.

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What’s Coming at the Apple Event

What’s Coming at the Apple Event

Invitations have already been sent out. On Tuesday, Oct. 4, Apple will be unveiling something. As with every Apple launch, that means that there’s plenty of secrecy and speculation. This will be an unusual event.

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The Financial Benefits of Leaving HP

The Financial Benefits of Leaving HP

HP’s stock may have plummeted by 45 percent during the eleven months that Leo Apotheker was at the helm, but a Securities and Exchange Commission filing shows that he walked away from the tumult a wealthy man.

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Congressmen Call for Investigation of Facebook

Congressmen Call for Investigation of Facebook

In one of those rare bipartisan collaborations (especially these days), Congressmen Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) have called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Facebook for its violation of users’ privacy.

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Halloween Guide 2011

Halloween Guide 2011

There’s more to do than just trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. Get in the Halloween spirit with our guide to the best Halloween events in the South Bay.

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