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Best Bites: Best Restauant Bars

Best Bites: Best Restauant Bars

A good restaurant bar offers the best of both worlds: good food and good drink under one roof.

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With Low Participation, Calif. Food Stamp Funding in Jeopardy

With Low Participation, Calif. Food Stamp Funding in Jeopardy

Roughly 2.3 million Californians receive financial help in getting enough food to eat, but it’s the nearly 3 million others who don’t take advantage of the federal food stamp program who are costing themselves—and California.

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Live Feed: A New Low

Live Feed: A New Low

If there was ever any doubt that Congress is a bunch of corrupt morons, last week’s vote on school-lunch reform should clear that up once and for all. Legislators voted to block a long-overdue overhaul of the nation’s school-lunch program proposed by the U.S. Agriculture Department and handed a victory to makers of frozen pizza, French fries and tomato paste.

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Review: Indo Cafe

Review: Indo Cafe

Indo Cafe is the most un-Saratoga restaurant in Saratoga, at least by the old standards. For one, it’s not even visible on Big Basin Way. It’s behind the UPS store across from the tumbleweed-blown Buy and Save shopping center. You have to drive between Ristorante di Mario and Rose International Market buildings and park in back to find it.

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San Jose Youth Symphony

San Jose Youth Symphony

Celebrating its 60th anniversary, SJYS kicks off the season with a concert on December 3 featuring works by Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Gould and Liszt.

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Octobop’s ‘cool jazz’ repertoire lends itself to compositional spaciousness and requires that the musicians be in top form.

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Live Feed: Raw power

Live Feed: Raw power

I’ve been looking for raw milk because I’ve gotten into making my own yogurt and butter, and I want to try my hand at cheese making. Pasteurized milk is no good for that. It seems pretty clear, too, that raw milk is better for me and the cows.

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Silicon Valley Cities Could Derail High-Speed Rail Plan

Silicon Valley Cities Could Derail High-Speed Rail Plan

A report released Monday by the High-Speed Rail Authority reiterates the authority’s consistent argument: A tunnel and underground station will not work in San Jose. Business and neighborhood groups worry that the proposed elevated structure will be a huge and unsightly addition to the cityscape.

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Fight Preview: UFC at HP Pavillion

Fight Preview: UFC at HP Pavillion

This Saturday the HP Pavillion will host the most popular form of combat in America— and it isn’t boxing. The UFC is putting on a live pay-per-view event, UFC 139, making the first time the premiere mixed martial arts (MMA) organization has come to San Jose.

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Review: Jin Sho

Review: Jin Sho

Steve Jobs’ favorite Japanese restaurant was Jin Sho in Palo Alto. He ate a series of meals with friends and associates at the restaurant shortly before he died. I had walked by the restaurant several times, but I had never checked it out. After hearing about Jobs’ meals there, I wanted to try it.

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