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San Jose Ponders Relaxing Building Height Requirements

San Jose Ponders Relaxing Building Height Requirements

Eager to build, San Jose ponders relaxing downtown building height requirements. San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed is pushing for development sooner rather than later in the downtown core, but some business leaders feel it would be wise to wait for large-scale projects.

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408K Race to the Row

408K Race to the Row

The inaugural “408K Race to the Row” takes place this Sunday. The 8K race begins in downtown San Jose, snakes through the Rose Garden and finishes up at Santana Row. “Just come out and have a good time and then get a Bloody Mary after the race. (Bloody Marys not included.)”

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Food Truck: Chutney Mary’s

Food Truck: Chutney Mary’s

At Chutney Mary’s food truck, every dish has unusual ingredients and a rich cultural history. The latest food truck to hit the Silicon Valley area with a creative, crunchy and colorful menu that can always be found parked somewhere in Santa Clara and San Jose.

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Best Bites: Chinese Food

Best Bites: Chinese Food

There is more to Chinese food than fried rice and wontons. Check these places out to see what you’ve been missing.

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Republicans wear Condoms

Republicans wear Condoms

Somewhere between the time I snuck into a seat at the San Jose Center for Performing Arts last Thursday and the end of comedian Bill Maher’s set, when he announced a personal $1 million contribution to President Obama’s Super PAC, the topic of contraception came into his cross hairs. After a year of conservative-coordinated assaults on Planned Parenthood and other attacks on oral contraceptives and protected sex,  we as a country have entered a bizarre moment. Not getting pregnant is the new abortion.

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Food Truck: Le Bon de Cuisine

Food Truck: Le Bon de Cuisine

After working in the kitchens of various bistros and restaurants, Jeffrey Nguyen, the 21-year-old owner and chef of Le Bon de Cuisine food truck, sought to do something more. Lacking the capital to open his own restaurant, he invested his savings instead in a beat-up, yet functional, food truck.

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Blood Sausage

Blood Sausage

Blood dishes are associated with immigrant communities and often evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort for modern eaters. Most cuisines have some vehicle for using the protein-rich slaughter byproduct, but often the dish is dressed with salt, onions and garlic, similar to liver. Blood exists in a medium: a soup or porridge, or soaked into rice and noodles then stuffed into sausage.

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‘Chasing Water’ highlights the Banff Mountain Film Festival

‘Chasing Water’ highlights the Banff Mountain Film Festival

Chasing Water, judged the Best Short Mountain Film of the 2011 Banff Film Festival and screening on March 10 in Los Altos, didn’t begin as a film at all. The original idea was to shoot writer Jonathan Waterman’s paddling trip down the length of the Colorado River. “Then I was like, ‘This is too dear to my heart,’ and I thought maybe we could get a book, and then sponsors showed up.”

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Best Bites: San Pedro Square Market

Best Bites: San Pedro Square  Market

The people behind San Pedro Square Market promised great things and I think they delivered. The food and big bright spaces are a boon to downtown’s dining scene.

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SJ Q&A: Roger Springall, Caffe Frascati

SJ Q&A: Roger Springall, Caffe Frascati

Roger Springall first brought the San Francisco-based regional cafe chain Caffe Trieste to San Jose in 2008. Last August, he transformed it into Caffe Frascati, an authentic Italian-style cafe named after a small town in Italy where Springall used to live.

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