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SJ Q&A: Heather Lerner, Happy Hollow Foundation

SJ Q&A: Heather Lerner, Happy Hollow Foundation

In 2009, Lerner became the first ever Executive Director in the Foundation’s 54 year history and has since worked to help secure funding to advance Happy Hollow Park & Zoo, a nationally-accredited zoo perceived as one of the top animal facilities in the world.

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SB 1221 bans Hound Hunting

SB 1221 bans Hound Hunting

Animal-rights activists have been backing the bill—SB 1221—since it was introduced early this year by Southern California State Senator Ted Lieu, while some hunting groups are firmly opposed to what they say is a bill that could strip them of a traditional pastime.

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Oktoberfest in San Jose

Oktoberfest in San Jose

If the Germans can jump the calendar gun and start Oktoberfest in September, so can we. The Gordon Biersch brewery and restaurant just released its fall seasonal menu and limited edition FestBier lager week.

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Nick Flynn at SJSU

Nick Flynn at SJSU

This coming week, SJSU’s Center for Literary Arts fall series shifts into high gear with three events highlighting novelist, poet and playwright Nick Flynn.

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44 Plays for 44 Presidents

44 Plays for 44 Presidents

44 Plays for 44 Presidents is exactly what its title says: a string of short, mostly self-contained miniature performances that relate the history of the U.S. presidency. Originally conceived by Chicago’s Neo-Futurists

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SJ Q&A: Wisa Uemura, San Jose Taiko

SJ Q&A: Wisa Uemura, San Jose Taiko

Wisa Uemura took over as Executive Director of San Jose Taiko last year after performing for over 14 years. Growing up in the rural area of Kula, Maui, Hawaii, Uemura had seen taiko before, but first started playing in 1993 during her first year at Stanford University.

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U.S. Census: San Jose Wealthiest City in Country

U.S. Census: San Jose Wealthiest City in Country

Beautiful weather,  a diverse population and a reputation as the hub of technology, San Jose is a great place to live. It’s also home to the nation’s most prosperous.

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Strikeforce Card Features 2 of San Jose’s Best

Strikeforce Card Features 2 of San Jose’s Best

Sacramento hosts “Strikeforce: Melendez vs. Healy” on Saturday, Sept. 29, at the Power Balance Pavilion. Featured on the card are two San Jose fighters, Josh “The Punk” Thomson and Mike “MAK” Kyle.

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Batman Live Comes to HP Pavilion

Batman Live Comes to HP Pavilion

Gotham City and all of its crime and debauchery is coming to the HP Pavilion starting Sept 20 for DC Comic’s first live action arena show, Batman Live. The two-hour show showcases the most popular villains and storylines in an action-packed event created for the whole family.

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Poppy Farm comes to San Pedro Square Market

Poppy Farm comes to San Pedro Square Market

Tasting fine wines is always a treat—and doubly so when it’s for a good cause. The Poppy Farm and San Pedro Square Market provide just such an opportunity this Saturday with Vineyard to Market.

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