O'Connor & Associates Art Advisors

2261 Market St. Suite 322, San Francisco , CA
+1 415.661.1086
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O’Connor and Associates is an art advisory firm dedicated
to helping individuals and corporations to acquire and
expand art collections. Our goal is to provide the most
compelling, unique, and appropriate pieces for the spaces
in which they will be seen.
Working directly with interior designers and clients in
a personal way, we determine their collecting goals,
be they investment, decoration, personal satisfaction,
or a combination of the above.

We introduce artwork via photos, gallery visits, and
personalized in-home presentations to determine what
works for the client and what does not. Because we
represent clients, rather than artists, we are able to draw
from an unlimited number of resources in an unbiased
way. To this end, we maintain relationships with individual
artists and galleries in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York,
and throughout Europe.

Whenever possible, artwork is brought to the site to
determine its suitability. Once selections are made,
we arrange for appropriate framing, lighting, and installation
to assure proper placement, and maximum impact.
We document the collection according to our client‘s needs,
providing supporting materials, artists’ bios, conservation
instructions, and insurance valuations, when appropriate.

By guiding our clients through the collecting process,
we help them to determine what they want, where to find
it, and how to make their homes, offices or businesses
look fantastic as a result.
