O-Mall Grp

1111 Story Rd, San Jose , CA
+1 4084159893
Clothing & Accessories, Consumer Electronics, News
Mon-Sun (8am-6pm)
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O-Mall Grp is the online shopping retailer to globally distribute various fashion, beauty, accessory, electronics, travelling products from selected suppliers through the website OniMall.com under local business brand O-Mall Grp. Every season, OniMall brings customers the latest trends along with thousands of items from good brands worldwide. Some of the best categories from O-Mall Grp: 

1. online fashion : tons of selctions, great quality, free fast shipping

2. cheap electronics : brand name or high quality but affordable electonics gadgets, devices and accessories


To provide customers with the best shopping experience, superior service and a fine selection of affordable, high quality fashion, beauty and lifestyle products. OniMall brings the latest fashion trends to customers worldwide. With just a few clicks or swipes, shoppers arrange for a wide variety of items to be delivered straight to their doorsteps.


Style, Selection and Service

From our wide range of products, customers should be able to find fashion, beauty and lifestyle items that best fit their personal needs. OniMall offers quality brands and products at affordable prices, all carefully selected by our dedicated staff. Our experienced and dedicated customer service team ensures that our customers enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience with OniMall. Customers seeking more interaction can follow OniMall’s many social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.


