NovaVine Grapevine Nursery

6735 Sonoma Hwy, Santa Rosa , CA
(707) 539-5678
NovaVine Grapevine Nursery Website
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Established in 1996, in Sonoma County, California, NovaVine grapevine nursery's mission is to offer the olive and grapevine industries superior planting materials and service.

NovaVine is meeting these objectives through the development of innovative approaches to grapevine and olive tree propagation, as well as using many new environmentally friendly methods to create the healthiest plants available.

Through the exclusive rights to propagate and sell Tablas Creek Vineyard Selection's of Rhone varieties, as well as Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo's Italian varieties, NovaVine can offer the customer many superior European clones. In all, NovaVine has a large collection of California, Italian and French selections to choose from, including, 156 clones, 35 varieties, as well as 15 certified rootstocks to fulfill your planting needs. -
