Nithyananda Vedic Temple Presents

Nithya Kriya Yoga

Learn to cleanse the 5 Koshas

Event has passed (Fri Jun 12, 2015 - Sun Jun 14, 2015)
Religion, Spirituality


There is something fundamental you need to understand about yourself if you want to go beyond your limitations

Health. Success. even Enlightenment …

Whatever you want in life, you can get it only when you treat the entire being - not just parts of you. You need:

- a way to understand all the dimensions of human existence

- clean all the layers that hide the true you and

- find every corner where limitations can hide

A guided weekend meditation program over 3 evenings by living Enlightened master and Yogi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda

In this BRAND NEW program, which redefines how you look at yourself, living enlightened spiritual master Paramahamsa Nithyananda will reveal :
• Five layers / Koshas of human existence

• Five compelling sessions to peel away layers of your false and self-limiting beliefs

• Techniques to realize the true joy, fulfillment, and potential you have inside

Register here:

Learn to cleanse the “5 Koshas”

The Five energy layers which cover your true essence, or soul.

If you feel there’s a gap between the kind of life you want and what you’re actually experiencing, it’s because your energy layers need to be cleaned.

Experience powerful cleansing and completion as Nithyananda takes you on a step-by-step journey through cleansing the “5 Koshas”, described from time immemorial in various ancient Vedic texts and yogic scriptures.

What Are the 5 Koshas?And why should you care?

• What Does it Feel Like When the 5 Koshas are Cleansed?

o Annamaya Kosha – Cleansing the Fear of Death

- The physical body which we can all see and touch, where we store physical pain memories. - When this layer is cleansed you will experience liberation from all fear

o Pranamaya Kosha – Cleansing Unfulfilled Desires

- This is our “desire” layer where you experience pain and frustration of unfulfilled desires.

- When this layer is cleansed you will experience clarity in purpose

o Manomaya Kosha – Cleansing Mental and Emotional Trauma

- This is the mental and emotional body where you store your worries and anguish.
- When this layer is cleansed you will experience deep and profound cleansing of negativity, pain and suffering

o Vijnanamaya Kosha – Cleansing Tiredness & Boredom

- This is the layer where we store deep held negative beliefs about ourselves
- When this layer is cleansed you will experience excitement and enthusiasm with life

o Anandamaya Kosha – Cleansing Deep Rooted Self-Denial

- This layer stored deep rooted negative ideas about the nature of the world

When this layer is cleaned you will experience intense feeling of love & belonging from the cosmos

Spaces are limited! Register here:

More Info

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Contact Form (account required)


Nithyananda Vedic Temple
513 Los Coches Street
Milpitas, CA
Event has passed



  1. Nithyananda Vedic Temple
    513 Los Coches Street, Milpitas, CA