Neighborhood Parks Council

783 Buena Vista Ave W, San Francisco , CA
(415) 621-3260
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The Neighborhood Parks Council (NPC) is a coalition of community-based park groups actively involved in improving neighborhood parks throughout San Francisco. In addition to technical assistance and organizing help to our network and new park groups, NPC provides a forum for sharing information and experience at park planning meetings in each District, including educational presentations and workshops with guest speakers and topic experts. Through these events, NPC strives to increase public and private support for, and commitment to, the restoration and improved maintenance of our neighborhood parks, playgrounds, and recreation facilities.

Since 1996, NPC has grown to include 67 District Park Planning (DPP) organizations, 120+ park groups and 4,000 park volunteers, establishing itself as San Francisco’s premier park advocacy group. Our focus on a well-articulated mission and energetic agenda has inspired positive change within our city’s parks.
