Miller Fine Art

Moss Landing RD, Moss Landing , CA
+1 831.633.6244
Miller Fine Art Website
Galleries, Painting & Drawing
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With the highest integrity, since 1990, Miller Fine Art has specialized in the collectible painters of California. In the beginning we specialized in the Early California Pleine Aire painters. In 1998 we discovered there was a movement in California that was being overlooked. The California School of Abstract Expressionism and The Berkeley School of Abstract Expressionism. Abstract Expressionism is America's own art movement. The Impressionism movement was based in France, the Abstract Expressionism movement was based in New York, but it was being taught in San Francisco. We hope you are as excited as we are.................... discovering California's most important art movement What we offer our clients is 10 years of experience  in the California School of Abstract Expressionism.
