Michelle Lane, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Where
- 4287 Piedmont Avenue Suite 108, Oakland , CA
- Call
- 510.620.7988
- Contact
- Web
- Michelle Lane, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Website
- Tags
- Health & Wellness, Other Medical, Counselors, Marriage Counselors
- Hours
Mon-Wed (10am-8pm)
Thu-Fri (3pm-9pm)
Sat-Sun (n/a)
Michelle Lane works as a full time, private practice clinician in Oakland, California. She believes early intervention and prevention can save time and money, empowering individuals to thrive. She is passionate about education, parenting, adolescent and women's issues, and healing from traumatic loss. She is specializes in promoting the healthy development of children, adolescents, families, and individual adults. She serves as a Board Member for the East Bay California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists as the Trauma Response Network Coordinator. She is trained in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, serving also as a Disaster Mental Health volunteer for the American Red Cross. If you are ready to pursue the life of your dreams, develop the tools, self-awareness, outlook and confidence to transform your challenges into a meaningful life infused with energy and optimism, get started now by going to www.michellelanemft.com and contacting Michelle Lane at (510) 620-7988.