Michael J. Kron, M.D. Psychiatry And Psychopharmacology

2920 Domingo Avenue, Berkeley , CA
+1 510.393.2127
Michael J. Kron, M.D. Psychiatry And Psychopharmacology Website
Health & Wellness, Psychiatrists
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Hello. Please see my client reviews on Yelp and other web sites that rate MDs. As a consumer, I personally trust customer and colleague opinions long before I trust a business owner's description of his own service.

So far, 12 clients and 2 therapist colleagues have posted their reviews of my practice on the web. Everyone has given me "five star" ratings and given very generous comments, which reassures me that I'm consistently doing a good jobf you come to my regular office in Walnut Creek I can get you in fastest. I have appointment times (mostly in the evening) at my Berkeley office too. 

Call or email with any questions. I'm at [email protected].

-Mike Kron, MD
