Michael J. Kron, M.D. Psychiatry And Psychopharmacology

2920 Domingo Ave, Berkeley , CA
(510) 393-2127
Health & Wellness, Psychiatrists
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Hello. Please see my client reviews on Yelp and other web sites that rate MDs. As a consumer, I personally trust customer and colleague opinions long before I trust a business owner's description of his own service.

So far, 25-30 clients and 4 therapist colleagues have posted their reviews of my practice on the web. Clients and colleagues give me "five star" ratings and very generous comments, which reassures me that I'm doing a good job consistently.

If you come to my regular office in Walnut Creek I can get you in fastest. I have appointment times (mostly in the evening) at my Berkeley office too.

Call or email with any questions. I'm at [email protected].

-Mike Kron, MD
