
1426 Fillmore St, San Francisco , CA
+1 866.632.6627
MediCann Website
Medical Marijuana, Health & Wellness
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If you have been looking for a professional medical marijuana doctor, stop the search and call MediCann at (866) 632 6627. MediCann is a fully licensed and insured medical cannabis clinic with years of experience helping local residents cope with their medical conditions. When you want to reduce the amount of pain, vomiting or other side effects from your illness, MediCann can help. Our licensed cannabis doctor will work with you to find the perfect regimen for your condition. Live your life the way you want to again with MediCann.

When you work with MediCann doctors, you can count on receiving the most personalized, professional services possible. Our medical cannabis physician will provide you with a thorough medical marijuana evaluation to determine if you will benefit from the natural effects of medical marijuana.

Upon completion of the evaluation, our cannabis doctor will provide you with a medical marijuana recommendation letter and a medical marijuana card that will allow you to prove your legal rights to using medical marijuana. It is important that you keep your legal cannabis card with you at all times. Our doctor will gladly answer any questions or concerns you have regarding our services or medical marijuana in general.  Give us a call today at (866) 632 6627 for more information about our services or to schedule your appointment.

