Marina Dunes Reserve

Dunes Drive, Marina , CA
+1 831.372.3196
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The coastal dunes along our south Monterey Bay form a narrow edge between former dunes where we live and the bay. This strip of land is steadily changing from wind and wave forces. During especially strong winter storms, this change can be quite obvious along the foredune. Beyond the storm-wave run-up area the rate of change is less perceptible. The reason for this is the native plant cover that has evolved with and adapted to these “shifting” sands. This living blanket insulates the dunes from the constant erosional force of wind.

These dunes are like a living fabric interwoven with a diversity of strands of life. If one of these strands is allowed to deteriorate, then others weaken and soon the fabric can begin to unravel. Like a fabric, these dunes can be mended, but only if everyone agrees to help. The Park District is restoring endemic coastal dune/strand habitat to the site in an effort to stabilize the exposed dunes and increase wildlife habitat value. Please do your part by staying on the designated path to the beach and respecting restoration and habitat closure signs. together we can bring these dunes back to their natural beauty and balance.
