Marin Branch of the California Writers Club

address not published, Corte Madera , CA
Literary Arts, Writing Groups
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The Marin Branch meets at Book Passage at 2 pm on the fourth Sunday of the month (unless a holiday), except August and January, when we meet at a different location. Monthly meetings feature a speaker, workshop or panel discussion with authors, agents and/or marketing experts. Chartered by the California Writers Club in July 1999, the Marin branch welcomes all writers and those in related fields of writing. The California Writers Club dates back to the early 1900s literary movement in the San Francisco Bay Area. Writers, including Jack London, poet George Sterling and short story writer Herman Whitaker, gathered informally at the Coppa Club in San Francisco. The club incorporated in 1913 and chose the motto, “Sail On!” from Joaquin Miller's poem, “Columbus.” Dues are $45 a year and new CWC members pay a one-time initiation fee of $20.
