The Commonwealth Club of Silicon Valley presents
Marc Hershon and Jonathan Littman
authors of "I Hate People"
- When
- Thu Feb 3, 2011
- Where
- Silicon Valley Bank, Kellogg Auditorium
- Time
- 6:30pm
- Cost
- $8 - $20
- Tags
- Literary Arts, Writers, Education, Seminars
One of the reasons "The Office" has been such a huge hit in pop culture is because of its stereotypical portrayals of all the common personalities found in today's modern workplaces. In their book, "I Hate People!: Kick Loose from the Overbearing and Underhanded Jerks at Work and Get What You Want Out of Your Job," comedian Marc Hershon and writer Jonathan Littman identify the ten most troublesome types of people to work with, such as the "stop sign" (someone who always has a reason why an idea won't work) and the "bulldozer" (someone who uses bullying tactics on others). Hershon and Littman offer strategies and techniques on how to deal and cope with such difficult co-workers. They should know; they run a successful consulting company out of Sausalito called Simmer Branding Studio, where they helped develop the names for such ubiquitous products as the BlackBerry and the Swiffer.More Info
- Link
- Call
- 800.847.7730
- Call
- 1.800.847.7730 (Box Office)