macVolks, Inc

1381 Franquette Ave, Concord , CA
(925) 726-3400
macVolks, Inc Website
Technology, Computer Stores
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macVolks was founded on the idea that good help is hard to find, and it shouldn't be. And you should be treated honestly and fairly, because that's how we like it too.

What's in a name...
20 years ago, our service calls were performed out of a Volkswagen camper complete with parts and a soldering iron. And though we don't drive the campers anymore, we still offer the same honest, reliable service — maybe even more since we're not driving the campers. ; )

We're Macintosh people or folk, or “volks”. And yes, we still drive Volkswagens (and one Mac Mini Cooper!).

What we're not...
So now that you know what we are and who we are, you should know what we're not. We are not a retail store. We don't have products on display. You should really check out the Apple Store for that. We're also not a one person shop that opened yesterday. macVolks is proud to be serving the Apple community for 20 years.

We are a consultancy and Apple Authorized Service Provider. We sell peripherals and vertical market software.

Go ahead and call us, to schedule your appointment. We'll be ready for you.
