Lenore Perez Eclectic Artist

878 Jessie St., Monterey , CA
+1 831.915.8325
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I am a mixed media artist. I was born and raised on the Monterey Peninsula. The beautiful surroundings have always been an inspiration to me. I feel gifted and blessed to have grown up here. I have been interested in all media's of art since I was a young child. As a youngster I made mosaic tile coasters, I was making collages in the 60's and creating paper mache objects de art. I knit, sew, crochet, paint and create 3-D art pieces. I also recycle, reuse and restore many items in my art work.
I create and design original jewelry. I restore and renew vintage jewelry, I also recycle jewelry. I am currently working on a 3-D mermaid on a mirror. Her hair is real sea weed from Monterey Bay and her eyes are sea glass I collected myself. I am also working on a mirror with Monterey Bay sea shells I collected surrounding it.
