Laura Hering Fine Art

4th & Waterfront ave, Vallejo , CA
+1 925.348.4795
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Artist Statement: Laura Heringt

    I am a craftsman, craftswoman. I studied fine art at The Academy of Cincinnati in the early 90’s. In the mid 90’s I began a course of study in the decorative arts that would lead me to the art of gilding. I studied all the facets of gilding, becoming a master gilder. For many years I have been working as a contractor, leading crews on historic renovations of gilded structures and architectural surfaces such as the Tonkins House by architect Frank Lloyd Wright as well as contract work for interior designers on a project by project basis.

     It was only a matter of time before I would merge my fine art work with my gilding skills to create my current body of art work. This process continues to change with each new experience and with each direction I choose to take. I feel that due to my extensive years of contract work; I have found that I can communicate with clients in a way that produces work that is personal to both the client and to myself. I enjoy this process and connection with my collectors.

    My work is represented by galleries in the United States from coast to coast. My work is in many private and corporate collections. I welcome commission work and feel that it is in this setting that I do my best work. When I am combining my creative ideas and talents with the wishes of my clients. I find it challenging and rewarding to be able to create wonderful pieces of artwork with the highest attention to craft and materials. 

