Lake Merritt United Methodist Church

1330 Lakeshore Ave, Oakland , CA
(510) 465-4793
Lake Merritt United Methodist Church Website
Clothing & Accessories, Bridal Shops, Clothing Rentals, Event Planning, Weddings, Rentals
Mon-Fri (n/a)
Sat (9:30amto6:00pm)
Sun (n/a)
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Lake Merritt United Methodist Church is an open and welcoming Christian congregation serving God in downtown Oakland. We seek to build a multiracial, multiethnic and multicultural community. We welcome and affirm full participation of gays and lesbians in the life of the congregation. We work to promote the inclusiveness of all people in the United Methodist Church as a whole.

The church serves its members, the people of greater downtown Oakland, and the global community with a wide variety of programs and missions.
