Kardashian Executive Coaching

Po Box 1117, San Francisco , CA
Kardashian Executive Coaching Website
Personal Trainers, Sports & Recreation, Health & Wellness
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Ron Kardashian is a Celebrity Life Coach and the one of the nations leading Health and Fitness authority's. He is a Television and Radio personality that consults organization worldwide and has shared the stage with many world renowned voices and experts in the field of health and business development.

Clients include: CEO’s, Royalty, Foreign ambassadors, Clegical, Stay home moms, dads, children and people of every age, sex, and creed.

Kardashian life Coaching is done worldwide. Clients will find strength and rapid results in areas they have struggled in for years as they progress through the 5 tier Life coaching program called “the Kardashian Method”. You will see results in your first week! Solutions and strategies to busy schedules preventing injury.

Ron Kardashian has over 12000 hours of coaching people one-on-one. If there is someone you want advising your body, life and business- Ron Kardashian is a trusted name in his field. Holding 2 consecutive nominations for personal trainer of the year award and a recognized educator to CEO’s and Trainers across the nation -Kardashian yields physical mental and financial prosperity.

Start Today!! Call or email:[email protected]

By appointment only. Allow 30 day advance.

For More information visit Ron at :www.ronkardashian.tv

Twitter: www.twitter.com/ronkardashian

