Jewish Community Center of Greater San Jose

14855 Oak Rd, Los Gatos , CA
(408) 358-3636
Family, Day Care & Baby Sitting, Education, Schools
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2009 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - First Place

Best Health Club

Everything Addison-Penzak does to win the Best Pilates category (see above), it also does for general fitness, which is why it is the preferred place to work up a sweat with our readers.

2009 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - First Place

Best Pilates Studio

Though Pilates first gained popularity as a trendy way to stay lean and fit in the '90s, this low-impact fitness technique has gained real staying power for its benefits as a kinder, gentler way to build core strength. The Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center offers an extensive menu of Pilates activities for all ages and skill levels, from teen oriented body conditioning classes to Pilates for Skiing and Snowboarding, which aims to build muscles to prepare clients for hitting the slopes.
