Hair Doc
- Where
- 2001 Union St , San Francisco , CA
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- 4159223344
- Tags
- Health & Wellness, Doctors, Optometrist, Other Medical, Psychiatrists
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Four Decades Pioneering Hair Restoration
Technical Skill and Surgical Artistry
For over 25 years Dr. Peter Panagotacos has specialized in both surgical and medical treatments for hair loss at his dermatology practice in San Francisco. He is well respected within the medical community for his technical skill, conservative treatment philosophy, and surgical artistry. Today, with improvements in surgical techniques and advances in medicine, he believes that nearly everyone, male and female, youthful and elderly, can do something about their hair loss.
Happy Patients
He has seen that improvements in the appearance of his patients are often followed by dramatic improvements in their self-esteem and self-confidence. Many find that this enhances their business and personal relationships. This in turn results in better overall patient happiness, and Dr. Panagotacos likes happy patients!
Get the Full Benefit of 25 Years of Experience
Dr. Panagotacos personally works with his patients every step of the way, from meeting with them for their initial consultation, to performing all treatment procedures, and at each check-up visit after treatment. Every patient receives the full benefit of his having over 25 years of experience treating hair loss.
Cosmetic Dermatology
In addition to hair restoration surgery and medicine, Dr. Panagotacos also offers a range of cosmetic dermatology treatments including both pharmaceutical and surgical procedures, such as the treatment of spider veins, wrinkles, acne, scars, birthmarks, and moles. Cosmetic treatments also include topical creams such as Retin-A, collagen injections, chemical peels, and alpha-hydroxy treatments such as glycolic acid peels. All of these treatments can help to create more youthful looking skin. Dr. Panagotacos has been acknowledged as a pioneer in the use of tretinoin (Retin-A) for smoothing aged and sun-damaged skin ("Wall Street Journal", February 12, 1988).