Green Translations

288 3rd, Oakland , CA
+1 510.735.9896
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Marketing, Marketing Services, Media, Internet Media
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Green T is a leading translation company, and also a portal to a leading solution for the Global Warming threat.Located in the heart of Europe and expanding into the Americas in the following months, Green T has a strategic position. We use our language expertise to help companies develop their global marketing support, and at the same time we make them aware of the menacing issue. We offer a range of high-end services to help our clients grow, and manage their international business ever more profitably. We can provide assistance with any challenge globalization throws your way, either through the expertise we have in-house or through our extensive network of proven partners. In response to the global warming problem, Green T is committed to contribute with a 1% of our revenues to the many organizations helping with the cause. It’s our commitment to you and our pledge to the environment.
