Green Planet Cleaning Services

44 Mariner Green Dr, Corte Madera , CA
(415) 516-7117
Home & Garden, Home Cleaning
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Green Planet offers general interior cleaning services to both Comercial and Residential. We also do indoor and outdoor window cleaning.

Green Planet offers post-construction cleaning services to both residential and commercial customers throughout Marin County and San Francisco. We are concerned about our environment and the impact of harmful construction cleaning chemicals used in your home and office.This cleaning service is specifically designed for homeowners or businesses who have done remodeling and need to rid their home, office or apartment of the dust and minor debris that is left behind.

Post construction clean up services require the proper cleaning equipment and cleaning chemicals to ensure the highest quality of work. Our cleaning services can also include green seal certified or environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals.

If you go to your cupboard and pick up a cleaner, any cleaner, you might see it contains chlorine, phenol, ammonia or formaldehyde. These—and more—may be toxic. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside a typical home is, on average, 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air just outside – and in extreme cases 100 times more contaminated – largely because of household cleaners and pesticides. Nine out of ten poison exposures are suspected to be from household products.

We hope you will agree with us that using non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products in the home and office is important for our health and the health of our planet. Green products are also healthier, in the long term, for the cleaning teams that use them every day (that's us).

Green Planet is the leading Eco-friendly Cleaning company. We are licensed and an Honor Roll member of the Better Business Bureau. You can schedule a single deep cleaning or weekly, bi-weekly or monthly appointments.

Please call us today for a free estimate!
(415) 516 7117 or (415) 686 9618

or email at  [email protected]

Feel free to contact us for more information or references

