Green Carpet Clean

6316 Zinn Dr, Oakland , CA
+1 510472.9327
Green Carpet Clean Website
Home & Garden, Carpet Cleaning, Home Cleaning
Mon-Sun (1am-12pm)
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     Why Choose Green Carpet Clean
1. Our 100% Organic Cleaning Compound
    Winner of Envirodesic and Environmental Choice Awards!

2. We Use 2 gallons of Water per Hour
    The traditional carpet cleaning method uses 70 gallons of water per hour.
    Say Goodbye to the smell of Mold and Mildew.  Because we use
    less water, the pad under your carpet does not get wet and the
horrible smell, standard in the traditional method of
carpet cleaning, is no longer created.

3. Your Carpet will Stay Clean Longer
    The Green Carpet Clean Process uses no Foam or Oil Products
    in Cleaning.  After our process is complete our cleaning agents
    continue to clean and there is no dirt or oil components in our
    product for dirt to attach to.
