Glad Tidings Church

1280 Webster St, San Francisco , CA
(415) 346-1111
Glad Tidings Church Website
Religion, Christianity & Churches
Mon (7PM-CelebrateRecovery)
Tue (n/a)
Wed (7PM-BelieversService)
Thu (n/a)
Fri (7PM-SocialGroups)
Sat (n/a)
Sun (9:30&11AM-Service)
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Glad Tidings is a multicultural, diverse and friendly church that leads regular people to make a difference in San Francisco.  We are a church without walls, barriers, or limits. This is a place where together we find answers to life's questions, purpose, tools to live beyond small mindedness, and racial reconciliation

AT GT...
Children are cared for in safe, caring environments...
Music is packed full of life and variety...
Every San Franciscan is accepted AS IS...
Nothing is routine...

Messages are inclusive and remind us that God Loves us No Matter What!
