Food and Feelings - Psychotherapy for Binge Eating
- Where
- 4155 24th Street, San Francisco , CA
- Call
- 415-820-1478
- Contact
- Web
- Food and Feelings - Psychotherapy for Binge Eating Website
- Tags
- Counselors, Marriage Counselors, Psychologists
- Hours
Mon-Tue (6-9)
Wed (8am-9pm)
Thu (3pm-9pm)
Fri (9am-7pm)
Sat (9am-2pm)
Sun (n/a)
Are you sick and tired of dieting and binge eating then dieting and binge eating again?
Are obsessive thoughts about food, diets and calories disrupting you from your life?
Are fantasies of changing your body preventing you from living with joy in your current body?
It doesn't have to be that way. I can help.
I will teach you the tools that you need to stop the relentless diet binge cycle.
You can live peacefully inside of your body.
You can end the war with calories and diets.
You can stop abusing yourself with food and harsh words.
I invite you to call. I would be happy to discuss how I can help you and address any questions you might have.
Groups and individual therapy are all available.
Leora Harling, MA, CCHT,MFTI # 50894
Supervised by Susie Finch MFC40419