Family Life Chiropractic

115 Paseo De San Antonio, San Jose , CA
Health & Wellness, Chiropractors, Hospitals & Clinics
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Dr. Mindy Pelz and Dr. Matthew Breske are dedicated to educating and informing the public about achieving optimal health and wellness through Chiropractic Care. With a combined 17 years experience, the doctors serve the greater Bay Area with state of the art Chiropractic Care. Their training and experience allows the Doctors to care for a diverse range of patients.

They currently see patients from all walks of life including infants, children, athletes, seniors and a wide range of cases. If you are thinking about chiropractic for your health care needs, and want to learn more about restoring and maintaining your optimal health potential, please take our health appraisal or call FLC . Our qualified team is happy to answer your questions and assist you in making your chiropractic experience both positive and informative.
