Equivocation By Bill CainSet in 1606 England, King James’s righthand man William Cecil commissions William Shagspeare to write the “true historie” of Guy Fawkes’ infamous Gunpowder Plot. As Shag investigates the story, he discovers that the government’s version might be less than truthful. Should he take the money and write a propaganda piece – or risk losing the theatre and perhaps even his head? An entertaining tribute to art, politics, and the perils of negotiating both, Equivocation is a high-stakes political comedy with contemporary resonances.
July 27 - August 19, 2018
Produced & Directed by Jenny Hollingworth
Thurs. - Sat. nights at 8p
Sun. afternoons at 2p
$35 general admission
$27 students and seniors
Pay what you will preview on Thurs., July 26th at 8p
Opening night performance on Fri., July 27th at 8p
Post-show discussion with the director and cast on Sunday, August 5th
The show is rated PG-13 for some violence and death. The play runtime is pending.
This show is sponsored in part by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation's Donors Circle for the Arts.
Tickets and details at
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