Elite Autobody & Collision Center

1386 White Oaks Rd, Campbell , CA
(408) 377-0505
Automotive, Auto/Motorcycle Repair
Mon-Fri (8am-5pm)
Sat-Sun (Closed)
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We are a full service auto body repair shop that specializes in the highest quality repairs for your vehicle. We can handle all your insurance claims from start to finish and relieve you of all associated headaches. Drop off your car and your claim number and we can handle the rest. It is that simple.

We are an I-CAR certified Hybrid autobody repair facility. We have experience repairing all brands and models of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles from Toyota, Honda, Ford, Chevrolet, Nissan, and Tesla. We are the best repair facility for your Hybrid or Electric car.

If your not going through insurance we can help you, too. We provide top quality repairs for all budgets.
