Edward Fletcher Eyster MD

2320 Sutter St, Suite 202, San Francisco , CA
+1 415.923.9222
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Dr. Eyster is in active practice in neurosurgery with Dr. Bruce McCormack.  There emphasis is on spinal neurosurgery and evaluating patients throughout Northern California offering the latest advances in spinal reconstruction and minimally invasive techniques.  For the past 5 years, we have also evaluated patients for complex industrial and medical-legal issues as Qualified Medical Evaluators, Agreed Medical Evaluators, and Independent Medical Evaluators.

Dr. Eyster graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans and completed his neurosurgical training at University of California San Francisco.  As a board certified neurosurgeon, Dr. Eyster has been active both locally and nationally.  Dr. Eyster is past president of the Florida Neurosurgical Society, Vice President of the Southern Neurosurgical Society and Congress of Neurological Surgeons.  Dr. Eyster served many years as the Executive Committee of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons and with Dr. Clarke Watts was founder of Think First – a head and spinal cord prevention program of the American Association of Neurological Surgery and Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

Dr. Eyster also served as the Neurosurgical expert for years for the Florida Board of Quality Assurance.
