Dr Jeff Kaplan

2505 Samaritan Drive, #508, San Jose , CA
+1 408.457.1070
Dr Jeff Kaplan Website
Health & Wellness, Cosmetic Surgery, Doctors, Other Medical


San Jose's premier spider vein and vein repair treatment physician serving the Silicon Valley, Dr. Jeff Kaplan is a board-certified general surgeon and a fellowship trained vascular surgeon in San Jose who taps over 18 years of experience to offer the finest treatment to all of his patients. He is also Chairman of the Department of General Surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Gatos, CA. Having been in practice since 1991, Dr. Kaplan has the ability to tailor the best treatment options for patients including: surgical, minimum-invasive and endovascular procedures. he can use these options to treat varicose veins and provide wound care, spider vein removal, vein therapy, laser treatments, Botox and more.

Dr. Kaplan is recognized by numerous prestigious groups, including the American Venous Forum, and he has been featured on The Dr. Dean Edell Show. He has worked closely with pioneering doctors in the fields of venous disease and non-invasive vascular testing and Sclerotherapy. Dr. Kaplan is recognized as a vascular specialist, and not only was he one of the very first Bay Area physicians to perform minimally invasive venous therapies, he has brought to the San Francisco Bay Area the latest in technology for eliminating varicose veins without hospitalization, general anesthesia or lengthy recovery times. He is also a leading physician in the area of wound repair, Medical Director of Bay Area Hyperbarics and is well-recognized in the field of Phlebology.

When visiting Dr. Kaplan, patients will not be evaluated by a technician or assistant, they'll meet directly with the doctor. This Silicon Valley vein repair and wound care expert understands his patients' needs and is committed to meeting them in a professional, thorough and superior manner. He also understands the difficulties of working with insurance companies, which is why his office offers full-time insurance assistance.

--- Silicon Valley Spider Vein and Varicose Vein Treatment ---

The discolorations of spider veins and the visible lumps of varicose veins are both entirely treatable with Dr. Kaplan; and thanks to his knowledge of modern technology, there’s no need to miss work and there are no scars from the treatment! Dr. Kaplan knows and understands the discomforts that both of these can cause, and he uses minimally invasive treatments that are nearly painless to rectify both problems. This Bay Area vein repair specialist first examines spider veins, often using an ultrasound evaluation of the veins to identify and recommend treatment of the underlying vein disease, both to assure patients that they are receiving the most appropriate treatment and comprehensive care available, and to minimize the chance of increased failure of the initial treatments. Additionally, Dr. Kaplan treats facial telangiectasias, or very small spider veins that appear most commonly on the nose, cheeks and chin.

For varicose veins, an equal amount of time is spent examining and conversing with the patient to assure that proper treatment is being planned and all parties are comfortable. There are several methods for treating varicose veins, and Dr. Kaplan is committed to finding the one that is most appropriate, comfortable and effective for his patients. This Bay Area varicose vein specialist prides himself on offering updated versions of age-old treatments to offer the same top-quality results without leaving scars or causing disability during aftercare.

--- Bay Area Vein Repair Options ---

In addition to treating spider veins and varicose veins, Dr. Kaplan works with potentially more serious conditions relating to the fields of venous and arterial diseases. Blood clots (frequently known as phlebitis or thrombophlebitis) in the veins of the legs is potentially a very severe condition. Dr. Kaplan can diagnose and treat phlebitis through a variety of treatment options, and he will work closely with patients, explaining every step of the way.

New treatment options are available to provide relief from pain and swelling secondary to previous blood clots in the legs without requiring surgery.

Dr. Kaplan also treats lymphedema, a condition that can cause very significant swelling in a particular extremity; in its most severe form, lymphedema has been termed "elephantiasis." There two types of lymphedema, primary and secondary, as well as varying degrees of seriousness. Dr. Kaplan is well educated in this area, and is more than capable of delivering excellent treatment to those suffering from this uncomfortable condition.


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