Doug Williams Design...Kitchens & Baths
- Where
- 2493 Estand Way, Pleasant Hill , CA
- Call
- (925) 768-6505
- Contact
- Web
- Doug Williams Design...Kitchens & Baths Website
- Tags
- Home & Garden, Cabinets, Kitchens & Bathrooms
- Hours
Mon-Thu (10am-9pm)
Fri-Sun (byappointment)
Kitchen and Bathroom Designer. Serving the Bay Area Counties for 28 years. Professional and creative. I am known as completely thorough and detailed oriented, allowing me to mentor colleagues and designers, who seek my experience and teaching.
My business is driven by client satisfaction and their overwhelming willingness to recommend my services to family, friends and associates.
Please call to discuss your project, and my fee structure.
Member: NKBA National Kitchen & Bath Association
Certified Kitchen Designer
Certified Bathroom Designer
Veteran VFW BSA