Ankh Marketing & Thud Rumble Present
DJ Qbert - Album Release Party
Dan the Automator, Peace, Bambu & more!
- When
- Thu Feb 13, 2014
- Where
- Mezzanine
- Time
- 9:00PM
- Cost
- $10
- Tags
- Clubs, DJ's, Music, Concerts, Live Music Clubs, DJ Outlets, Hip Hop
2.13.14 // 9PM // 21+ w/ Valid IDDJ QBERT
Release Party for the New Album GALAXXXIAN
Richard Quitevis was born October 7, 1969, in San Francisco, California. Known by his stage name DJ Qbert or Grandmixer Qbert, is a Filipino-American Turntablist and composer. He grew up in the golden age of the San Francisco Bay Area DJ battle scene of the late 1980′s. Battling and training in the artform is what sets DJ Qbert apart from the rest. He is relentless in unlocking the sounds and systems of scratching. It is Qbert who is credited for championing the turntable as a musical instrument. He is often referred to as the Jimi Hendrix of the turntables, known to make them sing in complex and unimaginable ways. He has invented the most scratching techniques and musical innovations than any DJ in history. QBert is credited for being the world ambassador of the DJ as a musician and turning the turntable into a respected musical instrument.
DJ QBert delivers on this discipline like no other DJ. Along with dear friend Roc Raida of the X-Ecutioners, they have been the only two DJs in history to be Knighted by the Grand Masters of the Hip Hop culture. His peers and the media call him the Greatest DJ in the World, one of the most influential DJs of all time.
More Info
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