Creative Business Institute
- Where
- 16 Juanita Avenue, Marin , CA
- Call
- 415.389.8920
- Contact
- Web
- Creative Business Institute Website
- Tags
- Education, Seminars, Marketing, Product Promotions
Each semester we present new seminars from the best and most creative business experts in their field (such as: advertising, business law, graphic design, marketing, organizing, planning, public relations, sales, and technology). Listen and learn from their successes – and mistakes – as well as time-tested short-cuts.
We can help you fine-tune what’s working and fix what’s broken in your business, whether you’ve been in your field for many years or are just starting out.
Our programs are set up to be highly efficient – just a little time is all it takes to get a new perspective. Attend one seminar or combine as many as you need to produce your custom learning environment.
Classes conveniently located throughout Marin County.