Cottman Transmission Centers

585 Irwin St, San Rafael , CA
(415) 456-3462
Automotive, Car Parts
Mon-Fri (8AM-6PM)
Sat (8AM-1PM)
Sun (Closed-24houremergencytowingavailable.)


FREE TransCheck 21+ vehicle diagnostic.

Automatic Transmission servicing, repair and rebuilding on-site.

Nationwide, transferrable warranty on automatic transmissions.

All makes & models: Domestic, European, Asian, 4X4, 2WD, RWD, FWD

Advanced transmission diagnostics.

We have saved our customers thousands of dollars in avoiding unnecessary transmission replacements with correct diagnosis and minor repairs!

Award winning customer service & satisfaction.

Courtesy shuttle.

ECO-Green Certified shop.

ASE certified transmission rebuilder on site.

24 hour emergency towing. Ask about our free towing program.

Customer loyalty program.

Other services include:
ULTRA-Green vehicle tune-ups
Standard transmissions
Clutch service
Differential service & rebuilding.
Rear end rebuilding and repair.
Oil Changes
Fuel intake service
5K, 15K, 30K, 60K etc. vehicle services
Vehicle maintenance
Fleet maintenance and special pricing on multiple vehicles
