Core Care Center
- Where
- 1634 Union St, San Francisco , CA
- Call
- (415) 928-5423
- Web
- Core Care Center Website
- Tags
- Health & Wellness, Alternative Medicine
- Hours
Mon-Fri (11am-7pm)
Sat (Byspecialarrangement)
Sun (n/a)
Our Center for Wellness focuses on increasing your Core health. We offer services and equipment to provide you with the most effective results.
We work with our clients to support them in their healing from issues such as:
Lymphedema, Headaches, Chronic pain, Lyme Disease, Arthritis, Allergies, And more...
We Offer:
* Rolfing, Deep Tissue, and Therapeutic Massage
* Nutritional Counseling and Biological Assessment
* Thermography (for injury and breast cancer detection)
* Light Beam Generator (for lymph movement)
* Photon Stimulator for Pain Treatment
* Whole Food Supplements, Enzymes, Homeopathy, Vitamins and Herbs
* Cold Laser Therapy
* EB-305 Ionic Footbath
* Electro-Dermal Screening: Vega Testing
* Applied Kinesiology, Muscle Testing
* Vega MRT/ Vega Select Diagnostic and Treatment
* Standard Process Supplement Protocols
Call us or visit our website for more information.
To your health: Marc Weill, Cindy Crawford, Todd Barrett and Staff