Channel | Chinese Baptist Church at Berkeley
- Where
- 2407 Dana St, Berkeley , CA
- Call
- +1 5102245546
- Web
- Channel | Chinese Baptist Church at Berkeley Website
- Tags
- Religion, Christianity & Churches
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我們是一羣愛造夢的人,夢想著看見神的國度降臨在地上。從柏克萊,直到地極,以音樂,以生命,以誠以靈,敬拜上主,成就在地若天的夢想。藉著基督,讓我們成為人與神之間的管道,讓柏克萊成為建立生命,栽種生命,讓生命閃亮的地方。 We are a group of dreamers who want to see God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. As true worshipers who worship with spirit and truth, we want to serve Him and make disciples, from Berkeley to the ends of the earth. Through Christ Jesus we want to be a channel between God and His people. May Berkeley be the starting place where we build, transform and nurture lives; may it be a place where the lives that we touched sparkle with radiance. 柏克萊 | 華人浸信教會 | Chinese Baptist Church at Berkeley