Career Consulting for Singers

965 Mission Street Suite 115, San Francisco , CA
+1 510.913.3157
Career Consulting for Singers Website
Music, Music Classes
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Robert Robinson has been working in the film, television theatre and recording industries for the past 15 years, and has developed an aquired knowledge and connections to individuals and organizations that can be very beneficial to a person wishibng to begin a career in entertaining.


Currently in the screen actors guild, there are 500,000 registered members. 2% of those members make over 50k per year. It is imperative if you wish to be in that 2%, that you have a person who can kick doors open for you. Robert is that person.


He's sucessfully brought recording artsist and actors in front of producers, casting directors and agents who have in turn placed them in career starting vehicles. He has contacts with agents and music directors in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, and is happy to consult with you about how to advance your career in the entertainment industry.


Robert is available in San Francisco this Saturday September 12 for consultations or voice lessons


For more information or to book an appointment, contact [email protected] or call 510-913-3157
