Camera 7 Cinema

1875 S Bascom Ave, Campbell , CA
(408) 559-6900
Camera 7 Cinema Website
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2009 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - Third Place

best Art House Movie Theater

2008 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - Third Place

Best Mainstream Movie Theater

Seven screens don’t have to feel like a multiplex. The comfortable and spacious Camera 7, which offers a canny mix of arthouse and mainstream films, never seems crowded. The raked seating allows for great sight lines, and there’s plenty of parking in the Pruneyard Shopping Center.

-- Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, September 24, 2008

2007 Best of Silicon Valley Reader Survey Winner - Third Place

Best Art House Movie Theater
Best Theater for Making Out
Camera 7 houses two 300-seat screens, and five auditoriums ranging from 75 to 110 seats. The third house also serves as a VIP screening room for special rentals, events and film premieres.

— Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, September 26, 2007
