Caffe Trieste

609 Vallejo St, San Francisco , CA
(415) 982-2605
Caffe Trieste Website
Mon-Fri (6:30am-11:00pm)
Sat-Sun (6:30am-12:00am)
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Famous for its great espresso drinks and storied history, Caffe Trieste has seen the likes of Jack Kerouac, Allan Ginsberg and other beats who spent many a day conversing, philosophizing and enjoying a good cup of coffee.

Caffe Trieste is one of the best coffee houses in the City. It attracts a collection of irascible North Beach characters, from poets keeping longhand journals and filmmakers editing scenes on the Macintoshes to hairy-eared old guys who talk to themselves.

Lattes are prepared in tall glassware with a spoon to stir the layered froth, and espresso is served in proper brown coffee cups with a saucer. Tasty Italian pastries, pizza and large glasses of jug red wine are other options.

You'll get a dirty look if you ask for soy milk. But Caffe Trieste has joined the current century and offers wireless Internet access.

The photo collection on the wall include shots of former San Franciso mayor Joseph Alioto and Francis Ford Coppola, who wrote parts of The Godfathe
