Breaking Bones Writers' Group

Not published, San Francisco , CA
Not published
Literary Arts


"You must keep sending work out; you must never let a manuscript eat its head off in a drawer."
-Isaac Asimov

Looking to establish a small group of determined fiction writers to meet two to three times a month to share and critique work, with all eyes on the prize of eventual publication. Moderation of the group would rotate among its members. In addition to a workshop-style read-and-critique format, we would also share resources, helpful writing exercises, reading recommendations--all that writerly stuff. Any and all suggestions will be welcome. If you are interested, get in touch with a long or short rundown of who you are, what you write, and what you're hoping to get out of a group such as this--along with a writing sample of any length included in the body of your e-mail. Send it all to [email protected]

Times, days, and location to be determined by those who are ready to dive in.

Prima donnas looking for ego reinforcement are discouraged from inquiring.
