Botanica Yoruba

3423 19th St, San Francisco , CA
(415) 814-3130
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For your specialized spiritual needs, go to the beautiful Botanica Yoruba on Valencia Street, at 21st. Incense as soon as you walk in, but this is the good stuff: Frankincense, like they use in church. It's sold here in crystals and you need a disk of charcoal to ignite it, $4.50 and $1.50 respectively. This beautiful shop has been serving the Latino community for twenty years. The owner, Yolanda and her lovely staff call themselves spiritual consultants and are fluent in English and happy to help you. Bueno. Ask for Christine's Sister.

This particular blend of spiritualism takes in the Christian, African, Cuban and Mexican images and legends. A little bit Roman Catholic, a little bit Voodoo. (Ever notice how we call our stuff religion and their stuff mythology?) Two walls are devoted to candles, the glass cylinders you see in the supermarkets. Multiply that selection times twenty, different saints, intentions and colors, depending on what you want.

- by Victoria Joyce
