
410 Townsend St, San Francisco , CA
(415) 255-0387
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Baraka's port-colored velvet curtain entryway adds drama to this little haven. As I entered, I pulled it back to reveal an enormously extravagant wrought-iron candle chandelier that warmly illuminated the content faces of a hip, diverse San Francisco crowd. Baraka is an ancient Moroccan saying for "blessed by the gods," which is how I'd describe the food. For starters, the warm goat cheese ($8) encrusted with crunchy pistachio, drizzled with honey, and served with toasted flat bread tastes otherworldly. The cucumber salad ($5.50) has an appealing crunch accentuated by the cumin-yogurt dressing, which adds a tangy and fresh bite.

- Excerpt from A Magnificent Potrero Hill Trio: Baraka, Chez Papa, and Chez Maman by Sarah Sung
