Bakas Passport Photo Services
- Where
- 3066 Zion Lane, San Jose , CA
- Call
- +1 408.373.5065
- Contact
- Web
- Bakas Passport Photo Services Website
- Tags
- Arts, Photographers, Arts & Crafts
- Hours
Mon-Fri (5:30pm-9pm)
Sat (6am-9pm)
Sun (Closed.(OnlyUrgentphotosfrom6:30pm-9:30pm))
Please call for an appointment
Hottest deal:::
Get up to 12 Passport Photos/person for only $10
US Passport Photos,immigration photos,greencard photos,I-485 photos,INS photos
We can do all kinds of Passport Photos,Visa photos, Just Bring along specifications
Canadian passport Photos(Stamp on the back of Photos):$20
China 2nd generation ID:$20
US Greencard lottery Passport Photo 600x600 pixels : $20
India Passport photos, OCI photos, PIO card Photos
Philippines Passport Photo (blue background): $20
Brazilian Passport photo: $20
Lithuania Passport Photo: $30
We use the latest and best Professional digital SLR cameras to give you the best Quality photos. We will take atleast 2 shots or more and choose the best photo.
Our work is guaranteed: If you dont like our photos, you dont need to pay :)
Our Price is the lowest: We know that we have the lowest price in town. But if you find any advertised price that is lower than ours.Bring that advertisement to us. We will Do it for half of that advertised price
We are processing the following Passport Photos.
Albania / Argentina / (Austria) / Australia /
Bangladesh / Belarus / Belgium / Bolivia / Britain / Brazil / Bulgaria /
Canada / China / Colombia / Croatia /
Cyprus / Czech / Denmark /
(Dutch) /
England / Estonia /
Finland / France /
Georgia / Germany / Ghana / Great Britain / (Greece) /
Haiti / Hong Kong / Hungary /
India /Indonesia / Iran / Ireland / Israel / Italy /
Jamaica / Japan / Jordan /
Korea /
Lebanon / Lithuania /
Malaysia / Mexico / Morocco / Moldavia
Netherlands / New Zealand / Norway /
Pakistan / Panama / Peru / Philippines / Poland /
Qatar /
Romania / Russia /
Singapore / South Africa / Spain / Sweden / Swiss / Syria /
Taiwan / Tanzania / Thailand / Trinidad & Tobago / Turkey /
UK / Ukraine / UN (United Nations) / Uruguay / Uzbekistan /
Venezuela / Vietnam /
Zimbabwe /