Articles by Janice Bitters

Silicon Valley Dining Guide: Week of Oct. 28

Silicon Valley Dining Guide: Week of Oct. 28

Diners can now eat indoors in Santa Clara County, if they want. Some restaurants are taking advantage of the extra capacity allowed by local health officials, and launching new, seasonal menus or bringing back crowd favorites. Each week the staff at compiles some of…

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Famous Graves of Santa Clara Valley

Famous Graves of Santa Clara Valley

Silicon Valley has been home to some of the most well-known and impressive figures in the country and the world. So, its no wonder its local graveyards are also home to famous, influential or in some cases, just quirky Californians who made their mark in…

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A Silicon Valley Dining Guide For Any Mood

A Silicon Valley Dining Guide For Any Mood

The South Bay last week joined much of the rest of the state in allowing diners to eat indoors, though local health officials remain wary of any kind of operation that requires customers to take their masks off inside. Despite the trepidation, indoor dining has…

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LIST: All The Deals San Jose Eateries are Offering to Draw Diners Downtown

LIST: All The Deals San Jose Eateries are Offering to Draw Diners Downtown

Restaurants in downtown San Jose are making a six-week bid to draw diners to the struggling urban core of the 10th largest city in the country, hoping to get a boost ahead of the cold and rainy season. Dine Downtown 2.0, an initiative organized by…

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